Our Contact Details:
Please email us at [email protected] to enquire about buying a painting or print, or about a commission or watercolour tutorial. We both use this email address so whoever sees your email first will answer! To make it easy, you can use our contact form below - just scroll down to find it. (If you don't hear back from us within a day, please check your spam or junk folders as we reply as soon as we can to every enquiry and this is the most likely reason why you might not hear from us) Alternatively, you can also call us on 01343 821346 (+44 1343 821346 from overseas) or on mobile (cell) on 07854 195189 (Rob and also our Whatsapp number), or 07854 194962 (Sharon). We're often out on location, but please leave a message!
Follow Us:
We'll be delighted if you follow us on social media. Just click any of the buttons at the bottom of the 'Menu' menu! We love you to get in touch and comment about our work!
Please email us at [email protected] to enquire about buying a painting or print, or about a commission or watercolour tutorial. We both use this email address so whoever sees your email first will answer! To make it easy, you can use our contact form below - just scroll down to find it. (If you don't hear back from us within a day, please check your spam or junk folders as we reply as soon as we can to every enquiry and this is the most likely reason why you might not hear from us) Alternatively, you can also call us on 01343 821346 (+44 1343 821346 from overseas) or on mobile (cell) on 07854 195189 (Rob and also our Whatsapp number), or 07854 194962 (Sharon). We're often out on location, but please leave a message!
Follow Us:
We'll be delighted if you follow us on social media. Just click any of the buttons at the bottom of the 'Menu' menu! We love you to get in touch and comment about our work!
If You Don't Hear Back from Us:
We will reply to you as soon as possible, and certainly within 24 hours. If, after that time, you haven't heard back, please check your Spam Folder. We only ever reply to enquiries and never send out promotional emails (or spam!) but some spam filters can occasionally block us. If our message is not in your spam folder then please try again, as sometimes the same can happen to us in reverse!
We will reply to you as soon as possible, and certainly within 24 hours. If, after that time, you haven't heard back, please check your Spam Folder. We only ever reply to enquiries and never send out promotional emails (or spam!) but some spam filters can occasionally block us. If our message is not in your spam folder then please try again, as sometimes the same can happen to us in reverse!